Air Canada apologizes to national chief after flight crew took her headdress away

Air Canada says it's sorry after staff tried to stow away the headdress of the Assembly of First Nations' national chief in cargo storage before the departure of a flight Wednesday. The company said in a statement Thursday it's apologizing to National Chief Cindy Woodhouse Nepinak, who said on social media Thursday she was forced to hand over a case containing the headdress that was with her in the plane's cabin. "I won't be letting anyone take away my headdress or case again," Woodhouse Nepinak said on a public Facebook post, ahead of a different flight to Montreal. "Air Canada needs a protocol for First Peoples so that we are not harassed for our sacred items. Our headdresses don't belong in [garbage] bags by airlines." The national chief said staff wanted to put her headdress in cargo storage because there was no room at the cabin, and that the situation got tense. She said the flight crew threatened her staff, and that other passengers stood up for her. She said the case was put in a plastic bag. The pilot came out and brought the case back after she complained, she said. Woodhouse Nepinak said she normally travels with the headdress on her lap, or in carry-on storage. Air Canada said in a statement it's reached out to the national chief to "better understand and apologize for her experience."<br/>
CBC News