Cathay Pacific passengers left vomiting, screaming in fear on storm-wracked flight to Hong Kong

Cathay Pacific Airways passengers described vomiting and screaming in fear as their Hong Kong-bound flight battled intense turbulence and failed twice to land at the airport amid bad weather on Tuesday (April 30). A passenger shared the ordeal in a post on popular mainland Chinese social media platform Xiaohongshu, after Cathay Pacific flight 341 from Shanghai suffered a delay of more than seven hours from its planned touchdown at 7.30pm at Hong Kong International Airport. “My bum detached from my seat at least three or four times, while all the items in my bag came flying out,” she said. “The word ‘bumpy’ fails to describe the feeling. The sense of weightlessness was way too horrible.” Writing in the early hours of Wednesday morning, the Xiaohongshu user said the aircraft unsuccessfully attempted to land twice, causing some of the passengers on the turbulent ride to start vomiting, screaming and crying. “There were two failed landing attempts. The first time it glided to 2,000m [6,561 feet], I felt like I was about to die. All the passengers on board the flight started to scream while children were crying wildly,” she said. “Amid the bumpy and shaky ride was the resonating sound of vomiting. The whole aircraft was filled with the smell of vomit.” She said the aircraft was running out of fuel and was eventually diverted to Shenzhen airport to refuel, before safely landing in Hong Kong at 2.42am the next day.<br/>
South China Morning Post