Embraer targets Chinese E-Jet sales as Brazil and China tighten ties
Brazilian aircraft manufacturer Embraer is positioning itself to sell more jets to Chinese buyers and work closer with Chinese suppliers, moves coming as Brazil’s government tightens ties with China – and US-China relations seem set to further sour. But whether the Brazilian aircraft maker will actually land significant new sales of E-Jet E2 regional jets remains unclear, especially considering previous efforts to tap Chinese demand have had limited results. During an investor day on 18 November in New York City, Embraer Commercial Aviation CE Arjan Meijer stressed the importance of China’s aviation market to the Brazilian company, describing the market as ripe with opportunity. Notably, Meijer says Embraer’s E-Jet E2s are well suited size-wise to be operated by Chinese airlines alongside those carriers’ homegrown China-made jets. Specifically, Meijer says E190-E2s and E195-E2s can fill a market niche not directly addressed by Chinese manufacturer Comac’s 80-100-seat C909 (recently renamed from the ARJ21) and Comac’s 160-190 seat C919. E190-E2s carry 97-114 passengers, while E195-E2s can seat 120-146 people. “I think the benefit of the E2 family is that it is truly complementary to the Chinese product,” Meijer says. “The 190- and 195-E2 are two aircraft that fit nicely in the middle.” He also calls the E190-E2 “a great aircraft for hot and high performance in China – so, for the connection of the Tibetan Plateau”.<br/>
Embraer targets Chinese E-Jet sales as Brazil and China tighten ties
Brazilian aircraft manufacturer Embraer is positioning itself to sell more jets to Chinese buyers and work closer with Chinese suppliers, moves coming as Brazil’s government tightens ties with China – and US-China relations seem set to further sour. But whether the Brazilian aircraft maker will actually land significant new sales of E-Jet E2 regional jets remains unclear, especially considering previous efforts to tap Chinese demand have had limited results. During an investor day on 18 November in New York City, Embraer Commercial Aviation CE Arjan Meijer stressed the importance of China’s aviation market to the Brazilian company, describing the market as ripe with opportunity. Notably, Meijer says Embraer’s E-Jet E2s are well suited size-wise to be operated by Chinese airlines alongside those carriers’ homegrown China-made jets. Specifically, Meijer says E190-E2s and E195-E2s can fill a market niche not directly addressed by Chinese manufacturer Comac’s 80-100-seat C909 (recently renamed from the ARJ21) and Comac’s 160-190 seat C919. E190-E2s carry 97-114 passengers, while E195-E2s can seat 120-146 people. “I think the benefit of the E2 family is that it is truly complementary to the Chinese product,” Meijer says. “The 190- and 195-E2 are two aircraft that fit nicely in the middle.” He also calls the E190-E2 “a great aircraft for hot and high performance in China – so, for the connection of the Tibetan Plateau”.<br/>